unsubject (ʌnˈsʌbdʒɪkt): as a verb, it means to remove from subjugation; as an adjective, it means not subject to, not subjected.

I am a Hong Konger, a classical liberal, a generalist, and a geek. In 2004, I co-founded a free-market think tank, the Lion Rock Institute, and I started to pen an opinion column for Apple Daily.

Apple Daily was forced to shut down in 2021. I continued writing for my fellows Hong Kongers.

“Why don’t you consider writing in English?” a friend asked.

Unsubject covers (1) random topics I find interesting; (2) the Sinosphere and the world; (3) economics, public policy, and technology.

I hope you will find ideas here different and consider supporting unsubject by becoming a subscriber.

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unsubject covers (1) random topics; (2) the Sinosphere and the world; (3) economics, public policy, and technology.


利世民,香港人;表面上係時事評論人,實際上係世俗嘅哲學愛好者,主流以外另一種聲音。樂天知命,不問鬼神,意識形態為新古典自由主義,人物設定 為 Chaotic Neutral,長期處於存在危機。過去四分一世紀,平均半年就有新嘅興趣同題目。